1 octopus (about 1 kg in weight)
1 clove of garlic
Lucrezio extra virgin olive oil
10 red cherry tomatoes
2 potatoes (optional)
2 bay leaves
White wine
Black peppercorns
Cut the octopus into small pieces after having softened it (beating it for a long time) and washed it.
Pour a little oil and a clove of garlic into the pan; when the garlic is golden brown, add the octopus and then blend with the white wine.
Add the cherry tomatoes, after having washed them carefully and cut them in half, the bay leaves and the peppercorns. Season with olive oil and cook slowly without adding water or salt. After 30 minutes, add the potatoes cut into small pieces and mix. Blend with the white wine. Cover the pan with a lid and continue to simmer over low heat for at least another 30 minutes. Check the texture of the octopus and potatoes with a fork: when they are soft they are done. When cooked, sprinkle with a generous handful of finely chopped fresh parsley and serve with slices of homemade bread.
Enjoy your meal!
“Lu purpu se coce cu l’acqua soa stessa” is an ancient saying from Salento and stands for a tip to follow when cooking octopus. It is, in fact, a very slow cooking process in which water must not be added because the octopus is cooked in its own water.
An interesting fact: This saying has a double meaning: it is also used for particularly stubborn people who never follow the advice of others, only to then change their mind by learning from their mistakes.
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